About Me

I see you have stumbled onto my blog. Before you take random advice from the internet you might want to know who you're getting it from. My name is Amanda or Dandymanderz. I created this blog to help others get healthy and become the people they want to be both physically and mentally.

At an early age I was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and depression. I have been in some form of therapy for most of my life and while I may not have a degree in psychology (yet) I know first hand what it is like to have a mental disorder. I am currently in therapy and although it isn't always easy I am working on becoming the person I want to be, as well as learning ways to manage my mental illnesses.

I have also struggled with my weight for most of my life. By the time I was 10 years old I weighed over 200 pounds. My weight fluctuated between 220 and 240 pounds until I went into a deep depression and got up to 280 pounds. In the last few years I have lost almost 140 pounds and I have kept it off so far. I feel that I found a way for myself to lose weight and keep it off and I want to help others find a way to lose weight and keep it off that works for them

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